
                               Growing Up in the South

Shadows of Yesteryear

Over the years I have enjoyed hearing stories from my parents’ past. My mother was a tomboy through and through and was always finding herself

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Biltmore House & Gardens

Making plans to vacation in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina this summer? Why not spend some of your time at the spectacular

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Jack the Pirate

In an eastern pale blue sky, a brilliant golden streak and radiant ball of fire, flamed and woke the distant horizon. It was a brand-new

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Fort Sumter

On April 12, 1862, at 4:30 a.m., while stars littered the sky and most of the divided nation lie sleeping—a single shell soared high above

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About Lydia

A South Carolina native, Lydia Cameron resides in the foothills of Northern California with her husband, youngest son, and six-pound poodle. Lydia is a pastor’s daughter, and for many years, has been involved in music ministry as a trained vocalist. Lydia began writing as a hobby when she was a teenager. She is presently a member of Writer’s Unlimited at Manzanita Arts Emporium and the Amador Fiction Writer Critique group. She has recently completed her first novel, Whispering Night, which is a southern fiction.

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