The Harvest

Waiting. It’s a hard thing to do. I’m the type that when I want something or want to do something, I don’t want to wait for it. And that’s exactly where I have been in the past several weeks. Waiting. So, when my good friend and author, Jennifer Baker, sent me her latest devotional on the topic of waiting, I knew it had to be the Lord sending me a message urging me to read. So, I read. And I was encouraged. I think you will get a tremendous blessing out for Jennifer’s devotional. Please, read and enjoy.

The Harvest

by Jennifer Baker

As I watched the farmers planting the crops, they worked vigilantly digging into the ground. They knew they needed to get the crops planted for harvest season and there wasn’t a moment to spare. These men did the work that was necessary. Now they had to wait. They had to wait for the proper season when the crops will be ready. And this takes time. 

Waiting is never easy, but it is necessary for growth. If we move forward in the wrong season, there can be devastating consequences. God knows the right season for every area of our lives. We need to trust him because his ways are above our ways and his thoughts are above our thoughts. 

Waiting is one of the hardest things we have to do, but it’s worth it in the end. When we wait for his plan, God makes everything beautiful in its time.  

Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time”

I know this too well. When I step out of God’s timing due to my impatience, I always suffer heartache and pain. When I’ve tried to rush relationships that weren’t right for me, I always ended up with a broken heart. That’s not what God wants for me and it’s not God’s best.

When we feel impatient and are tired of waiting, we need to remember that God’s timing is always right. If we let go and give the situation to God, he will give us the patience we need to endure.  Then in his perfect timing (not ours), he will make all things beautiful. He knows what is best for us and he wants to lead us in the right direction. 

This is something we can all hold onto right now with Covid-19 and the uncertainty in the world. It feels like we have been waiting forever to get back to living our lives and doing the activities we enjoy.  Many of us feel stuck, but all we can do is wait. We wait for God to move and to show us our next steps.  We wait until it feels safe to go outside or meet with friends. And we wait until this pandemic will finally be over. As we sit inside our homes, instead of being outside or gathering with friends, we can hold onto the truth that God is in the midst of the uncertainty. He knows what is happening and he is still in control. We may feel out of control or stifled, but he is still with us and we can trust him and his timing. 

One day we will all get back to our normal activities. One day we will feel comfortable hugging each other again, but until that time we must wait. We wait for God and we wait for his timing. 

Let us remember to wait until God tells us to move forward. Just like the farmers who have to wait until harvest time, we can wait patiently for God’s best in our lives. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope that he gives us as we wait for his hand to guide us. 

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Thank you so much for reading! We’d love to hear from you, so comment below and feel free to share this post! Our prayers are with you, our readers, during this time of uncertainty. As we wait, we know that our Creator holds all things in his hands.

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