Ol’ Man River

Recently I purchased a book about Mark Twain written by a local author. For years I have enjoyed the collection of stories Mr. Twain has blessed us with, and his fascination with the Mississippi intrigues me. Like Mr. Twain, I too have had the privilege of crossing the great river aboard a steamboat, though my … Read more

Catherine Moore Barry

In 1776, when war broke out, the Moore’s of Walnut Grove Plantation, were in imminent danger. Tensions were rising, and not just between the Americans and the British. The colonists were in an uproar—there was division amongst the people. Margret Catherine Moore Barry (eldest of the Charles and Mary Moore’s ten children, and wife of … Read more

The Vidalia Onion

What makes the world famous Vidalia onion so unusually different? How is it that this succulent vegetable has such an ambrosial flavor? In late spring, 1931, in Toombs County Georgia, Moses Coleman made a disheartening discovery. His onions didn’t turn out as hot as he’d expected; they were sweet. Coleman struggled to sell his harvest. … Read more