Brother Bill Pittsenbarger

Brother Bill Pittsenbarger

Last month we introduced Evangelist Bill Pittsenbarger and his wife Naomi, who presently reside near Charleston, South Carolina –– in the town of Summerville. To most folks he is known simply as Bother Bill, and he will be celebrating his 83rd birthday October 16.

My prayer is that bringing Brother Bill into your life will open your understanding to the fact that God never brings anything into our life that cannot be used for his glory and our good. Below are a few of Brother Bill’s writings from his newsletter.

The following quotes are from his most recent Light House Newsletter

“Some people come into your life as a blessing, some come as a lesson.” 

“Life is what happens to you while you are planning more important things.” 

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Still In The Ministry…

Since January two-thousand and ten, I have been dealing with the neuromuscular disease. It came on me very quickly with vengeance. I have not had many days since my diagnosis that I have not dealt with the symptoms of this disease. It is incurable, and progressively affects me more and more. I have been able to preach only a few times the past eight and a half years. I have been prescribed every known medicine available for this condition. Most have worked for a very short time, and then stopped. I am classified as “refactory.” That means that the medicine either doesn’t work at all, or it works less and less for a short time, and then stops. 

I decided in the beginning that I would not give in to the disease. I would not be in denial either. I would accept it for what it is, and go on with life. I began thinking about what I could do with my life. I knew that I would not sit in front of a TV and watch black-and-white cowboy shows for hours on end. I wanted to do something that was mind stimulating, and had some spiritual value. I have always believed that we all have talents that we have never used. I went on a search for something that I could do in my weakened condition. I remembered that I had always wanted to be a writer. It had been an interest to me for as long as I could remember. I thought perhaps that it was the time to pursue that direction of ministry. 

I started writing my first book when I was too weak to sit upright in a chair. With pillows under my head and knees, while lying on the sofa, I began writing on my laptop computer. I would write a while until my vision would get too bad to see, then I would rest. So, I wrote my first book at age seventy-five while lying on my back. I loved writing, I had found a source of joy. Writing filled my hours. While in deep thought about what I was writing took my mind off of my discomfort. 

I believe that the Lord was simply giving me time to write by allowing me to experience my illness. Writing is fulfilling to me. I feel that I still have a purpose in living. 

I write several hours almost every day. I even take my computer to the infusion center. The nurses are kind enough to assure that, if possible, I have a private room so I can write without interruptions. 

I am working on my fourteenth book right now. The Colonial Press in Charlottesville, Virginia is kind enough to print my books, and I published them myself. My writing is a ministry, not a business. I have never tried to do much advertising. However, I am blessed to have a book on the nightstand of several homes across the nation, and a few in other nations as well. 

God has been so good to me. I can never stop thanking Him. 

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He’s in Control

I used to keep a schedule,

of the places I planned to go.

I looked forward to each meeting,

And the precious seed to sow.

Things have changed now.

This is another day.

But I’m still dreaming,

That hasn’t gone away.

The Lord is now in charge, 

He’s in control of all my plans.

I’m not fretting about the future,

I’ve placed it in his hands.

He’ll guide me as He wishes.

He’ll open, or shut the door.

He’ll give me strength to follow,

More clearly than before.

-Bill Pittsenbarger

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Giving-in or Going-on

Life is filled with hard decisions. We never seem to reach the place where we aren’t faced with those pesky peace-thieves. 

I suppose that one of the hardest decisions to make is, what to do, when you can’t continue to do what you used to do, and love to do. 

Some folks get depressed and “give in.” Change doesn’t come easy for them. They think of themselves as a failure, worthless, or just destined to live an unhappy existence until they die. 

The better choice is “going on.” As long as God sees fit to leave us on the top side of the sod, we can do something. Pursue a dream you never had time for, start a new endeavor, build something, help someone else that needs a little help etc. Figure out what you can do, and do it! God will let you know when it is time to quit everything, and He will go ahead and take you home at that time.

If all that you can do is lay on your back and pray, hey, do that, don’t think of it as a small thing. Think of it as having the most important job in America. America can survive without any of the other things you might do, but it can’t survive without prayer. What an important job! 

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Brother Bill’s Note Cards & Books

Brother Bill offers his books and note cards for sell through the Light House Newsletter. To quote Brother Bill, the “cards come in packs of eight with envelopes. They are an assortment of birds that I have drawn. Some are sketched from actual birds from my back yard.”

A pack of 8 cards is $5.00, and can be purchased through The LIGHT HOUSE NEWSLETTER, which you may make your request at Below is a list of Brother Bill’s books, which are also available through the newsletter.

Tales From the Trail – $8.00
Teachings From the Trail – $8.00
ABC’s for Everyday Life – $10.00
Life, Subject to Change Without Notice – $7.00
As the Sparks Fly Upward – $5.00
The Joy of Triumphant Living – $8.00
Otis Goes to Church (A children’s book) – $5.00
The Sheep of His Pasture – $8.00
Staying the Course – $8.00
Pressing Toward the Mark – $8.00

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If you would like to receive The LIGHT HOUSE NEWSLETTER bi-monthly publication of The Bill Pittsenbarger Ministries, you may make your request at If you’d be interested in ordering any of Brother Bill’s books or his artwork, you may also do so by contacting them via email. 

We’d love to hear from you, so feel free to comment and share this post using the links below! For everyone who’s on our mailing list, this month we’ll be giving away Brother Bill’s, Life, Subject to Change Without Notice.
. If you’d like to enter for a chance to win, be sure to join our mailing list below!

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